baby girl take three | baby photography perth

I very rarely admit defeat when it comes to photographing newborn babies, but after two attempts with this gorgeous blue eyed beauty, we called it quits and decided to wait until she was a bit older.  The poor angel suffered from reflux and it took a few months for her to find her happy place, but since then she’s been doing wonderfully.  So she came back today to visit me – I’m so grateful for her mummy for having trust in me and bringing her back and I think we did a pretty good job today.  She’s such a beautiful girl and has that perfect cherub face and stunning blue eyes.

I’m often asked how much “Photoshopping” I do of my images and what do I do with the eyes to get them to stand out and shine.  The simple answer to that is that yes, I do spend a great deal of time after a session enhancing each individual image to get them just right and no I never do anything in particular to the eyes.  It’s all about finding great light and when you have a stunning eyes, no extra help is needed!  So these beautiful eyes are just how they seem here.

And just because she’s beautiful in colour or black and white – here’s a black and white version.

by fionac


May 6, 2010 - 1:48 am

Laura - Aww…she is adorable! Beautiful, beautiful eyes!

May 14, 2010 - 10:13 pm

Amber - She is such a doll baby! Love her cheeks and baby blues. Great session!

May 16, 2010 - 10:24 pm

Laura - Oh my word, she is adorable! What gorgeous eyes. I love the experessions you captured.

May 22, 2010 - 12:57 pm

ashley - Pretty good? No lady! These are absolutely amazing! Just gorgeous:)

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